JAKARTA - The Pokemon Go game is still developing. Although many say this game will not last long.
Launching The Verge, Pokemon Go has made a lot of money since its release in 2016.
According to the cellular analyst firm, Sensor Tower, Pokemon Go set a record for opinion in 2019. That year, Pokemon Go received about 900 million US dollars through purchases on the app.
Since its release in 2016, Pokemon Go's opinion has shown no significant improvement. In 2016, their income reached 832 million US dollars. Then, their income fell in 2017, to 589 million US dollars.
In 2018, its revenue increased compared to 2017, but it couldn't match the opinion when this game was released at the beginning. In 2017, Pokémon Go's revenue reached US $ 816 million.
In 2019, their income has increased to reach 894 million US dollars. This is a record for a game developed by Niantic.

Sensor Tower estimates, Niantic got 3.1 billion US dollars from Pokemon Go to date. However, not all of this amount was obtained by Niantic, because it had to be shared with The Pokemon Company, including Nintendo. This count has never been published by any party.
Pokemon Go's revenue increase is suspected to be due to new features, such as raid battles and trading. Another reason, because the AR (augmented reality) camera effect is getting better. Augmented reality or AR is a technology that combines two-dimensional and / or three-dimensional virtual objects into a real three-dimensional environment and then projects these virtual objects in real time.
The success of developing AR in Pokemon Go, made Niantic open development with third parties. One of them is the AR Harry Potter game which will be worked on by Niantic with Warner Bros, as well as another Niantic game, Ingress Prime.
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