JAKARTA - Billzard shared details about the beta for Overwatch 2 which will start on April 26.

In his latest video, Billzard announced the beta will use the new 5v5 gameplay that is different from the previous version.

This tagged updated version will also include a new hero, Sojourn, along with a new game mode called Push.

In Push mode, you have to fight to control the robot and push it to the enemy base. The beta will also bring up four maps, changes to Orisa, Doomfist, Bastion, and Sombra, and a new Ping system.

Blizzard also announced alpha and beta testing recently, with news that PvP is being separated from PvE. It's unclear how long the test will last or when the game will launch.

You can sign up for the closed beta via the Overwatch website. Beta testing will take place in several phases, so if you are not selected for the first test on April 26, you may still be selected for the next test.

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