JAKARTA - The Director General of Aptika at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, said certificates and digital signatures can protect the personal data of customers in Indonesia.

The public is asked not to worry about the leakage of personal data when adopting digital certificates and signatures in the banking sector.

"With a certificate or digital signature, it actually protects. To check whether this signature is mine, he will check with the organizer. In the government it can be given by two organizers, BSSN and BIN," said Samuel in the Seminar on the Benefits of Digital Identity and Certified Electronic Signature in Indonesia, Friday 18 March.

Samuel feels that this digital development is quite large and fast, many innovations have been made to verify customer data before the certificate is given.

Samuel also hopes that in the future, all community activities and business activities can adopt innovations in the digital space to be more effective, efficient and recorded.

"In 2008, the state recognized the existence of digital money as a space for public activity, as stated in the ITE Law. Activities in the digital space are as legal as activities in the physical space," said Samuel.

Digital certificates are a solution to not always issue an identity such as an ID card and provide a phone number when you want to make a transaction.

"In fact, by having a digital certificate or digital ID later, we only need to provide a certificate. This is one solution not to always provide names and telephones during transactions," he explained.

Samuel revealed that currently Kominfo is thinking about a future methodology, in which each member of the public will have a digital ID that will facilitate all transactions.

The process when doing electronic signatures has become more stringent and sophisticated. VIDA CEO and Co-Founder, Santi Rasuanto said, before giving certificates to users, they will carry out several verification steps first.

First, they will check the user's demographic data, after the first step is validated, the user will go through the genetic data validation process. Namely detects the user's face.

"The third technology is Live Mask Detection, where when someone takes a selfie while doing validation or verification, true or not the person who did the verification is the person who did it," explained Santi.

It is hoped that this security technology can later be used for various types of smartphones. Whether it's the latest type of smartphone with more sophisticated technology to old phones. "It can also be used for various parties, including MSMEs, not only for large transactions," he said.

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