JAKARTA – Game maker 343 Industries announced that the second season of Halo Infinite will not launch together with the Halo Infinite online campaign on May 3. However, until now 343 Industries has not provided an exact date when the second season of Halo Infinite will be released.

"We're still aiming to provide a campaign network collaboration later in the second season, and we'll be sharing a release date for that and for a split-screen collaboration as soon as possible," the game's chief creative officer, Joseph Staten, told Engadget.

Staten also said that they still need more time to experience a high-quality, full-featured 4-player network collaboration in the large, wide-open world of Halo Infinite.

Although 343 Industries didn't confirm it, it looks like split-screen co-op will be arriving at the same time.

"We're also committed to a great two-player split-screen experience across all Xbox consoles, from the original Xbox One to Xbox Series X, the non-linear and wide-open part of the Campaign presents some major challenges for split-screen that requires more time for us to work on," Staten wrote.

In addition, Staten also provided an update on Forge, which is still scheduled to arrive with the third season. Currently, Forge is in editor-level testing with a small group of players set for later this year, the company said.

The second season was supposed to come three months after the launch of Halo Infinite on December 8. However the launch was delayed because 343 decided to extend the first season.

What you'll see when it launches on May 3 is the new arena map "Catalyst" and Big Team Battle "Breaker". It will also feature new game modes known as Land Grab and Last Spartan Standing, which the company calls free-for-all elimination modes.

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