JAKARTA - The name Dogecoin (DOGE) has been registered as a trademark in the European Union. This was conveyed by the Dogecoin Foundation through its official Twitter Dogecoin Foundation @DogecoinFdn on March 3, 2022. The post attaches a certificate from the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) dated January 13, 2022 with number 018553489.

With this certificate, it means that the name Dogecoin (DOGE) cannot be used by other parties. This is a positive thing for the community to strengthen Dogecoin in order to avoid impersonation by various other meme coin developers in the crypto industry.

Commenting on the post, Dogecoin Foundation executive board member Jens Wiechers said in a tweet thread that this was an attempt to prevent the meme coin from being used by people not affiliated with Dogecoin.

“The thing is it's not (and never was) used in memes, et cetera, but attempts by people who are completely unaffiliated with Dogecoin to list them, which only really makes sense if they want to blackmail the Dogecoin community or project, developers, foundations, etc. directly."

The Dogecoin Foundation is a Dogecoin foundation that was revived in August 2021. Since its launch in 2014, the Dogecoin developer has not registered the Dogecoin name for legal protection of the trademark.

At the US Patent and Trademark Office, a registered name must compete with half a dozen other similar names. Even the name Dogecoin is used by more than 100 cryptocurrencies in the crypto industry, even though they are not affiliated with Dogecoin.

With the announcement of the Dogecoin trademark certificate or trademark, other parties are not allowed to use the existing mark. In addition, other parties are also not allowed to recreate an existing brand. This is an attempt by the Dogecoin foundation to protect its own product name.

As a result of these consequences, the Director of the Dogecoin Foundation, Ross Nicoll, was forced to resign because he was overwhelmed and depressed. Nicoll also said there was a conflict of interest with her position at another tech giant, Alphabet. He also explained that the Dogecoin Foundation is in a very challenging environment.

Even so, Nicoll did not leave the Dogecoin foundation. He will remain on the Dogecoin Foundation's advisory board. Ross Nicoll is a figure who played an important role in the rise of the meme coin foundation.

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