JAKARTA - The sad news comes from the family of Microsoft founder Bill Gates. The father, William Henry Gates Sr. died at the age of 94 years.

Launching from his personal blog page, the death of his father was not unexpected. Because the age of Gates Sr. already elderly with declining health.

"My father died peacefully at home, surrounded by his entire family," Bill Gates said on his personal website, Wednesday, September 16.

During his lifetime, Gates Sr. is an Army veteran as well as a respected attorney who founded the law firm Preston Gates & Ellis in Seattle. He also serves as co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

In an obituary for his father, Young Gates revealed that he would not be what he is today without a collaborative and wise father figure. "My father's wisdom, generosity, empathy, and humility had a profound influence on people around the world," Gates wrote.

"Being the son of the senior Bill Gates is a wonderful thing. People often ask my father, if he is the real Bill Gates. In fact, he was everything I wanted to imitate. I will miss him forever," recalled Gates.

Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, also expressed his condolences and mentioned that Bill Gates Sr. is an important part of the Microsoft story.

"He helps shape the company culture, plays an important role in the community, and influences our philanthropic program," Nadella said.

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