JAKARTA-In the midst of having to always use the PeduliLindung application, when traveling or entering offices and malls, this application has reportedly disappeared from the Apple application store, the App Store. This makes iPhone users unable to download it, in the past week.

Not only downloading, iPhone users also cannot update the Cares Protect application. When VOI tried to search for this app on Tuesday, February 22nd, the PeduliLindung app, too, had yet to appear.

This was also acknowledged by the Spokesperson for Covid-19 Vaccination from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), Siti Nadia Tarmizi. He stated that the PeduliLindung application is currently experiencing technical problems.

According to Nadia, the status of the PeduliLindung application registered in the Apple App Store has changed to private. This condition makes iPhone users temporarily unable to search and find Cares for Protect in the App Store search field.

Siti said that her party was coordinating this problem with Apple, as the manager of the App Store. According to Siti, the Ministry of Health has also collaborated with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) to find a solution to this problem.

Although it disappeared from the App Store, the PeduliLindung application still appears on the App Store website. It appears when searched through a search engine, such as Google Search. It's just that the application still cannot be downloaded.

Users are instead asked to visit the Mac App Store on a computer device. However, applications developed to detect the spread of COVID-19, and other information related to the pandemic, are still not available for download on the Mac App Store.

Luckily, this application can still be downloaded by iPhone users directly from the PeduliLindung official website.

On this site, users will find the "Download" menu from the PeduliLindung application. Next, select/click the App Store icon on the page. Users will be taken to the PeduliLindung application page on the App Store, and can download it.

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