JAKARTA - The National Digital Literacy Movement (GNLD) Siberkreasi won an award at the 2020 World Summit on The Information Society (WSIS) Prizes from the United Nations. This award is given because Siberkreasi's efforts make a real contribution to the development of ICT in Indonesia.

"We hope that the victory of GNLD Siberkreasi can inspire other grassroots movements to continue to be enthusiastic in spreading digital literacy, not only in Indonesia but also in the world. Let's continue to be committed to realizing a better world," said Chairman of GNLD Siberkreasi Yosi Mokalu, as quoted from his press statement, Wednesday, September 9.

According to Yosi, apart from Siberkreasi, there were also ICT Volunteers who were also included in the WSIS 2020 forum. This forum is a cross-stakeholder platform in the ICT sector under the UN.

Where every year, ICT activists from various backgrounds and countries of origin gather at the headquarters of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva. The WSIS Prize contest is aimed at selecting various government, community and institutional initiatives that have successfully utilized ICTs for sustainable development.

On the same occasion, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) appreciates two initiatives jointly initiated by Siberkreasi and ICT Volunteers. GNLD Siberkreasi was named the winner in the WSIS C4 Capacity Bulding Action Lines category related to the fulfillment of SDGs Goal 4: Quality Education.

"I hope that this award can inspire many parties to be more active in carrying out digital literacy activities and narrow the digital divide," said the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate, as quoted from the press release of Kominfo.

The Minister of Communication and Information stated that digital literacy functions to improve the cognitive abilities of human resources in Indonesia so that their skills are not limited to operating devices. "Apart from being able to use technology productively, it is also not easy to be dragged into by hoaxes," said Johnny.

The government is boosting the development of telecommunication infrastructure in order to increase the internet connection ratio, internetification, for the 260 million Indonesian population, efforts to prepare the capabilities of internet users need to be done simultaneously.

"So, the digital literacy initiative by GNLD Siberkreasi is very relevant today and needs to be replicated in order to reach as many beneficiaries as possible," said Johnny.

For information, Siberkreasi is a multi-stakeholder collaboration forum which currently consists of 108 institutions and communities, where they work together in the field of digital literacy. Siberkreasi is also presented to increase digital intelligence and speed to combat the circulation of negative content on the internet.

Meanwhile, the issue of ICT Volunteers is a community of 8,000 volunteers. ICT volunteers are tasked with helping the government to disseminate programs for using access to information (internet), as well as empowering the community through information, social education, technology, and communication.

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