JAKARTA - The Magelang City Government utilizes Magelang FM Radio which is managed by the local Communication, Informatics and Statistics Office (Diskominsta) as a learning medium for teachers and students during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Mayor of Magelang, Sigit Widyonindito in Magelang, explained that radio can make it easier for students or parents who live in areas with minimal internet coverage. Moreover, radio does not eat up the quota, so it will lighten the burden on the parents of students.

"Radio is easy to reach by all groups, also free of charge. We have the radio, so we can use it for the development of our school children," said Sigit, as quoted by Antara , Tuesday, September 8.

The municipal government of Magelang always encourages teachers to improve their skills so that learning both offline and online can run optimally.

"We continue to study through online media and now via radio. Because our children must continue to attend education, don't miss it," he said.

Sigit said that distance learning is the only step that can be taken in the midst of the current pandemic. Although the idea of face-to-face learning with health protocols continues to be studied.

"We have studied face-to-face learning for a long time. But we should not be careless, because it involves children. I don't want to take risks, learn from other areas, our children will become victims," said Sigit.

He asked the community, especially parents, to be patient and help their children study at home. Head of Magelang City Diskominsta, Suryantoro, confirmed that Magelang FM Radio was empowered to support school children's learning.

"Starting September 7, 2020, we have opened learning through Magelang FM radio broadcasts. Now it's only junior high school students first because elementary school children are in the middle of a semester," he explained.

He said that his party gets a schedule of learning broadcasts via radio from the Office of Education and Culture of Magelang City, namely Monday-Saturday at 09.30-11.00 WIB is morning class, while at 15.30-17.00 WIB is evening class.

"Learning via radio broadcasts will take place until face to face opens later. Of course we will continue to do evaluations on the way, which ones will be added, developed, and so on," he said.

He hopes that in the future there will be interactive broadcasts or interactive dialogues between teachers and students in the studio. This broadcast will then be listened to by the public, especially teachers and students.

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