JAKARTA - The feud between Apple and Epic Store has not ended. After failing in court, the developer of the Fortnite battleroyale game again submitted a request so that Apple could return its game application to the App Store.

Citing The Verge, the petition has been filed with the United States District Court (US) for the Northern District of California which says that more than 116 million paid gamers have played Fortnite on iOS. Thus making it the largest gaming platform and bigger than the player base on Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PlayStation, PC or Android.

"All Epic is looking for is for the Court to stop Apple from taking revenge on Epic for daring to challenge Apple's violations," Epic Games said in its application file, Monday, September 7.

According to Epic, Apple's actions could threaten Epic Games. The company said it would be a big loss with reduced revenue, given that until September 2, they had lost 60 percent of daily players for Fortnite.

It is claimed, this decrease was caused by iOS user access which was cut off after the account was closed. Therefore, iOS users cannot download or update Fortnite on their devices. In fact, iOS is claimed to be the platform with the most Fortnite users.

Not only Fortnite, other Epic Games games also experienced the same thing after their developer account was closed. One of them is Shadow Complex Remastered which was also removed from the App Store on Mac devices. In addition, with this account deletion, Epic Games will not be able to apply for a new account for at least one year.

Unfortunately, with the various evidences Epic presented, the judge would not necessarily comply. Meanwhile, Apple has said that it will accept Fortnite again if during Epic Games cancel its in-game payments.

As is known, the Fortnite game has been blocked at Apple, since last August. Lantara Epic Games introduces a new way to purchase v-bucks (currency in Fortnite) directly without having to go through Apple or Google.

This of course violates the policies of Apple and the Google app store, which then suspends Fortnite games from the online store App Store and Play Store. Epic Games pin has filed a lawsuit against Apple and Google alleging monopolistic practices that impose a 30 percent tax discount on every game transaction.

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