Twitter Tests NFT Avatar, New Step To Get Users To Blue Service
Twitter Blue users will be able to change their avatar based on NFT. (photo doc. Twitter)

JAKARTA - Twitter has a new strategy that allows users to start subscribing to the Twitter Blue service. The company is currently testing the NFT avatar feature.

Twitter Blue users will be able to replace their NFT-based avatar with a new hexagonal frame instead of the usual circular shape and users will be able to click on the image for related NFT information.

"This new feature provides an easy and user-friendly way for people on Twitter to verify their NFT holdings by enabling them to directly connect their crypto wallet to Twitter and select an NFT from their collection as their new profile picture," Twitter said in a statement. official.

"This means your Twitter account will be associated with your current crypto wallet transactions and holdings, including all other NFTs in that wallet, as all this information is available on the public blockchain."

Launching Mashable, Friday, January 21, this trial can initially be tested for iOS users, Twitter also plans to bring the feature to Android and the web, but did not say when it would arrive. A Twitter Blue subscription currently costs $2.99 per month.

Twitter often follows growing trends, such as this new feature where many people are using NFT-related images as profile pictures on social media.

However, the company has placed some restrictions on where NFT can be linked to profile pictures. A Twitter Spokesman confirmed that, at least for now, the feature will only work with NFTs printed on the Ethereum blockchain.

"We are currently focused on Ethereum for our first iteration to get it right before moving to another chain," said a spokesperson, Twitter.

What's more, for this to work, users will currently need to use one of six crypto wallets to store their NFTs, such as Coinbase Wallet, Rainbow, MetaMask, Trust, Argent, or Ledger Live.

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