Amazon's Innovative Concept, Customers Get The Experience Of Trying Out Clothes Easily And Quickly
Amazon has launched technology to help customers choose clothes. (photo: doc. unsplash)

JAKARTA – Inc. created an innovative concept for department stores. This future concept already includes algorithmic recommendations and what one company director called the "magic cupboard" in the fitting room.

The online retailer is making another push to grow its fashion business. They announced on Thursday, January 19 that they would be opening their first clothing store this year, with a touch of technology.

"We're not going to do anything in physical retail unless we feel we can significantly improve the customer experience," said Simoina Vasen, managing director of

At 30,000 square feet (2,787 square meters), the planned "Amazon Style" store near Los Angeles is smaller than a typical department store. Model items are on the shelf, and customers simply scan the code using the Amazon mobile app to select the color and size they want.

To try on clothes stored in the back of the store, shoppers can enter a virtual queue for the fitting room which they unlock with their smartphone when it's ready.

“Inside, the dressing room is a private space for you to continue shopping without having to leave,” says Vasen. Here shoppers can request a variety of colors and styles of clothing that they can virtually try on.

“Each has a touchscreen that allows shoppers to request more items that staff send to secure double-sided cabinets “within minutes,” he said. "It's like a magic cupboard with seemingly endless options," says Vasen.

The touch screen also suggests items for buyers. Amazon keeps a record of every item a customer scans so its algorithms personalize clothing recommendations for the customer.

Shoppers can also fill out a style survey. By the time they arrived at the fitting room, the employee had already deposited the items the customer had requested and other items that Amazon had picked up. “Shoppers can opt out with the help of a concierge,” says Amazon.

Amazon has also rolled out technology to help customers choose clothes ahead of time. The company has now surpassed Walmart Inc. as the most-customed clothing retailer in the United States, according to analyst research.

But they still have room to grow and compete with agencies like Macy's Inc and Nordstrom Inc, which have also opened smaller format stores. Amazon's lineup of physical grocery and convenience stores hasn't overturned the retail yet.

"Amazon's new store is now aiming to attract a large number of shoppers with hundreds of brands," said Vasen, declining to give examples.

“It has hundreds of associates, and no cashier or no cashier like some Amazon stores,” Vasen said. However, using a biometric system known as Amazon One, customers can pay with the swipe of a hand.

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