JAKARTA - A Tesla electric sedan lost control and hit a police car in North Carolina, United States (US). The incident occurred when the driver was engrossed in watching movies on his cellphone and the car was running on autopilot mode.

Reporting from Antara, the police said the Tesla sedan driven by Devainder Goli, who works as a doctor, hit a police patrol car on Saturday, August 29. Not only the police patrol car, the Tesla he was driving also hit another car.

As a result of the incident, two policemen who were on patrol fell to their knees avoiding the successive accident. There were no fatalities or injuries in the incident.

Goli, who is from Raleigh, North Carolina, was charged with violating traffic laws for operating a car while watching something on a cell phone.

Tesla said that the autopilot feature does not give the car computer complete control, but only as a "driver assistance when going through tough traffic situations".

The Tesla autopilot feature does "allow your car to steer, accelerate and brake automatically in its lane", but "requires active driver supervision" because it is not an autonomous car.

Tesla chairman Elon Musk said that Tesla is still developing autonomous features which are expected to be completed by the end of this year.

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