JAKARTA – NFT is increasingly popular among Indonesian people, but many people don't know how to sell NFT on OpenSea. The phenomenon of Ghozali Everyday proves that NFT is starting to be in demand by the public. Well, one of the NFT marketplaces that Ghozali uses is Opensea.io. Users can start registering their work, whether in the form of photos, paintings, gifs, audio, or videos, as NFT and sell them on the platform.
For information, NFT is a digital art that cannot be replaced because it is recorded on the blockchain. NFT buying and selling transactions on OpenSea use the cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH). That's because the OpenSea platform is built on the Ethereum blockchain. To sell NFT on OpenSea, users must first have a MetaMask digital wallet. Here's an easy way to sell NFT on the OpenSea platform.
How to Sell NFT on OpenSea Via Laptop and Smartphone
Open the MetaMask digital wallet, if you don't have one, download MetaMask first until you have finished registering and install the MetaMask extension in the browser. For smartphone users, open the MetaMask application and click the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner then select Browser. If you are using a laptop or PC, you only need to open the browser to which the MetaMask extension was added, type Opensea.io Click the account symbol next to the wallet symbol, until Connect your wallet appears
This is an easy way to sell NFT works on OpenSea. Users can upload their work via mobile phones or laptops. The more original your work and made in limited quantities, the more likely you are to get a fairly high price quote from buyers.
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