YOGYAKARTA - Google Translate is the application or feature most used by internet users when they want to translate a foreign language into Indonesian or vice versa.

The prestige of Google Translate which is already known by all people around the world makes other translator applications seem forgotten. In fact, there are many other language translator applications that have services no less good than the application made by Google.

Therefore, for users who are tired of translating articles or other texts using Google Translate, it never hurts to try other applications as a comparison.

If you are confused about finding a language translator application to help you, here the VOI team has compiled a number of translator applications that you can try.

Yandex Translate

Yandex is an internet service and product company similar to Google. In fact, Yandex is often dubbed Russia's Google, because it has a variety of features similar to Google.

If Google has Google Translate, then Yandex also has Yandex Translate products, which can translate text from various languages in the world. Currently, the application can translate 97 languages in the world.

In addition to translating text or writing, Yandex Translate can also translate voice. The service is also equipped with auto-spelling which can correct spelling errors.

Microsoft Translator

A company that produces Windows operating systems that are often used by computers or laptops, Microsoft also has an application that can be used to translate foreign languages into Indonesian.

One of the advantages of Microsoft Translator is that users can download the translation into a document file so that it is easier to read. Users can also read the translated results offline.


Another translator application that you can use to translate foreign language texts into Indonesian or vice versa is iTranslate. The application has 80 languages to choose from that you can use to translate various texts.

Although the number of languages it has is not as many as Google Translate and Yandex Translare, its simple appearance makes iTranslate easier to use than other translation applications.

Unfortunately, the application is only available for smartphone devices such as Android and iOS while for computers or laptops, users still cannot use it.

Those were a number of language translator applications other than Google Translate that you can use. Users can choose one of the applications above when they want to translate certain articles to make your task or work easier.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)