JAKARTA - President of the United States (US) Donald Trump has issued an executive order to prohibit applications from China from operating in the US. In fact, the policy is also aimed at other technology companies, including WeChat.

Similar to TikTok, Trump recently issued an exclusive order to WeChat, a messaging app owned by Chinese tech giant TenCent. The company was asked to share shares with domestic developers in order to continue operating in the US.

TenCent itself has become part of the gaming industry in the US and has partnered with Riot Games and Epic Games. The collaboration between the two developers brings popular games such as League of Legends and Fortnite to be played on smartphones.

Trump's order for WeChat is also based on concerns that millions of US user data has been spied on by the Chinese government. Because of this ban, CNN International reported that Tencent's shares fell as much as 10 percent on the stock market.

It is known that more than half of Tencent's revenue last year came from Value Added Services (VAS), which includes operating online games. Financial services and payment apps like WeChat Pay account for around 25 percent of revenue, and just under 20 percent comes from online advertising.

For information, the US is the second country to enact laws against TikTok in recent months, after which in June India also banned the application, along with more than 50 other Chinese-made applications and games.

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