JAKARTA - Over the past few years, it turns out that Discord has been quietly building its own app platform based on bots. More than 30 percent of Discord servers now use bots.

Reports say 430,000 of them are used weekly across Discord by its 150 million monthly active users. Now that bots are an important part of the platform, the company is embracing them even further with the ability to search for and search for bots on Discord.

The new discovery feature will begin appearing on Discord in the spring of 2022. Verified bots, which are estimated to be around 12,000 in total, will currently be discoverable through the feature.

With the help of the Discord bot, users will be able to use many additional features on the Discord server such as music, games, polls, prizes, moderators, and more.

Furthermore, developers can choose to be easily discoverable by users. The bot is very powerful on Discord, offering a variety of customizations for the server. Discord server owners can install their bot on the server to help moderate them or offer mini-games and features to their community.

There are also popular bots that will issue memes every day, even helping with how to create your own bot, or a music bot that lets Discord users listen to songs together.

But previously, two of the most popular music bots, Rythm and Groovy, were forced to shut down their services yet by Google, due to the use of YouTube to play music on Discord servers.

It was an event that rocked the Discord bot community and confirmed that Discord bots were becoming popular enough to be noticed by big multinationals like Google.

Discord is also gradually improving its official APIs for developers, including Slash Commands to make it easier to learn how to use bots. A number of buttons, dropdown lists, and the ability to integrate bots into menus on Discord servers have also been added.

The new app discovery feature will certainly help Discord users find bots more easily, rather than relying on third-party websites or simply finding bots using a search engine.

Discord also makes it a bit easier to add bots to the server by adding an “Add to Server” button on the bot profile. Thus quoted from The Verge, Thursday, November 18.

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