JAKARTA - Ahead of the implementation of analogue television lethal injection, aka Analog Switch Off (ASO), the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G. Plate, stated that the government has prepared as many as 6.7 million Set Top Boxes (STB) for the poor.

A total of 6.7 million STB will later be distributed with broadcasters, and the Ministry of Communication and Information has also prepared a mechanism for distributing STB so that ASO takes place according to schedule.

“We estimate that for poor families around 6.7 million STB for 6.7 televisions owned by poor people. We are preparing for this STB so that the 6.7 million will be available on time according to the ASO stage no later than November 2, 2022," Johnny said in his statement quoted by VOI, Tuesday, November 16.

Johnny emphasized that the availability of STB is an important aspect to support the implementation of ASO. According to him, STB is needed for television sets that do not meet the standards of Digital Video Broadcasting–Second Generation Terrestrial (DVB T2) or digital TV.

"For those who have not DVB T2, it must be provided with a connector device or what is called a set top box or STB," said Johnny.

Meanwhile, based on the criteria and the implementation mechanism for the distribution of free STB, it is being prepared. According to Johnny, the preliminary count results refer to the Integrated Social Welfare Data from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Then, as many as 6.7 million STB devices will be distributed directly to eligible residents. Furthermore, the STB is attached to an analog television that does not yet have the DVB T2 standard in order to receive digital television broadcasts.

“So it's more than just sharing (free STB), because it has to be installed and installed on each television set. For example, at home, if you use Indihome or use internet services, there is a connector device, in the same way there is a connector device that allows you to receive digital broadcasts, "explained Johnny.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Communication and Information has also certified STB and digital TV equipment traded in Indonesia. Johnny stated that it was in accordance with the mandate of the Telecommunications Law.

"Of course this is in coordination with the Ministry of Industry. This certification is carried out so that the purchased STB can function properly according to the specifications of digital broadcasts from broadcasters, it is safe to use and receive after-sales service from the STB producers, "said Johnny.

He hopes that this STB can be distributed to poor households who really need it before the ASO stage is carried out. "We are preparing the criteria and mechanism for the distribution of the free STB," said Johnny.

Three Important Aspects for Smooth ASO

Meanwhile, Johnny also emphasized that there are three important aspects of the development of ASO preparation, namely the readiness of broadcasting institutions, human resources and the availability of STB. In order to make the implementation of ASO a success, according to him, ecosystem collaboration will determine the success of ASO implementation.

“There are three aspects that must be prepared, the first is in the broadcasting sector itself. Both the TVRI Public Broadcasting Institution (LPP) and local LPP, Private Broadcasting Institution (LPS), and Community Broadcasting Institution (LPK)," said Johnny.

"From the broadcasting point of view, there are two things that must be prepared, namely the first, the MUX infrastructure is completed according to the ASO stage," he added.

Johnny explained that the second important aspect relates to the readiness of the studio equipment and human resources owned by each broadcasting institution.

"Broadcasting institutions must upgrade their systems to digital systems in studios, upgrade their human resources so that they become human resources who understand digitally," concluded Johnny.

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