Online Tax E-Filling: How To Report Taxes Hassle-Free
The online tax eFilling application which can be accessed on the official website of the Directorate General of Taxes. (photo: doc. unsplash)

JAKARTA - To make payment and reporting of SPT, either Annual or Periodic SPT, Taxpayers can attend directly to the nearest Tax Service Office. However, if you want convenience, you can report it via online tax eFilling which can be accessed on the official website of the Directorate General of Taxes.

In order for you to be able to fill out complete Annual SPT data through online tax eFilling, you must have a registered account. If you don't have an account yet, you need to do the account registration process first. How to create an account is very easy and fast. Before registering your account, prepare your EFIN number first. You can get the EFIN number by visiting the nearest Tax Service Office. You can also contact the Tax Service Office via WhatsApp and email.

After that, open the Online Tax Directorate page to register an account. This can be done by entering a valid NPWP and EFIN number. Don't forget to enter the security code then click submit. If you have successfully registered your account, online tax reporting can be done by logging in and filling in complete SPT data through the official website of the Directorate General of Taxes Online. After that, you can visit the Directorate General of Taxes Online e-Filling to make online tax payments and reporting.

What is Online Tax e-Filling?

e-Filling is one of the features that play a role in reporting tax returns online and in real time. This feature is available on the official website of the Directorate General of Taxes and the official partners of the Directorate General of Taxes or ASP. There are several official partners that have been recognized by the Directorate General of Taxes, one of which is the Klikpajak platform. This online tax eFilling feature does not only function to report Periodic and Annual SPTs for Corporate Taxpayers, but is also available for Personal Taxpayers' SPTs.

The online tax eFilling feature has received approval from the Directorate General of Taxes through the Directorate General of Taxes Regulation Number PER-03/PJ/2015. This online tax eFilling feature can reduce the length of queues at the Tax Service Office, which is often visited by taxpayers to manage their tax activities.

However, because there is already an online tax eFilling, you no longer need to come to the Tax Service Office to pay and report your SPT. You can make payments and tax reporting from anywhere and anytime online and in real time.

Benefits of Online Tax e-Filling

The presence of Online Tax eFilling brings many benefits to taxpayers, including:

Making tax payments and reporting manually definitely takes a lot of time. Making SPT payments and reporting through online tax eFilling greatly simplifies the process of storing historical data. So that tax reporting can be done quickly and easily without worrying about losing data. Because the system is carried out online and in real time, taxpayers do not need to directly meet the tax officer at the Tax Service Office. You don't have to queue long and don't need to get stuck in traffic jams to make payments and tax reports to the Tax Service Office. Minimize the quantity of physical files or hardcopy of tax documents. The use of online tax eFilling minimizes the use of paper for tax documents. Taxpayers do not need to bother carrying physical tax documents so that they can avoid the risk of being lost due to negligence and damage when storing them.

Report Taxes Through Klikpajak e-Filling

Before reporting taxes via Klikpajak e-Filling, you need an EFIN number, a valid NPWP number, an account that has been registered with Klikpajak, an SPT form, and a CSV form.

The Klikpajak platform provides official and valid proof of tax reports so that there is no need to doubt its credibility. The Klikpajak Platform is an Application Service Provider that has been appointed and recognized by the Directorate General of Taxes as its official partner. So that the report evidence issued is in accordance with the standards and regulations of the Directorate General of Taxes.

Because it is equipped with an integrated system, the tax management process can be done easily and quickly. You can even carry out tax activities anywhere and anytime, even when you are not in the office and at home.

Online Tax eFilling such as Klikpajak e-Filling helps you to report Corporate Annual SPT, Period (Monthly) SPT, and Personal Annual SPT accurately and quickly. When reporting the Corporate Annual SPT, you can do this by uploading a CSV file, form 1771, and PDF via Klikpajak e-Filling. For Periodic (Monthly) SPT, you need to provide attachments in the form of CSV and PDF that have been issued by your company. As for the Personal Annual SPT, you need to prepare forms 1770 and 1770S.

Advantages of Using Klikpajak e-Filling

Using the Klikpajak platform as a means to report taxes is the right choice. There are several advantages that are obtained when Taxpayers use Klikpajak e-Filling in reporting their taxes, including:

All taxation activities can be carried out in only one platform, no additional platforms or applications are needed. Activities ranging from counting to reporting can be done on one page only, because Klikpajak uses a system that has been integrated in an integrated and centralized manner. Klikpajak e-Filling can report all types of taxes. Both annual and periodic taxes, both personal taxes and corporate taxes. Both overpaid and underpaid. Everything can be reported through Klikpajak e-Filling. Multi-user & multi-company features are available. This feature is perfect for large companies. Also suitable for use by companies that have many teams. With this feature, you and your colleagues can collaborate on tax reporting through the same platform, so it's not difficult to work together. The Klikpajak platform publishes Payment Proofs online. This official and valid proof of payment will be stored for a long time. So you don't have to worry about data being lost or corrupted. You can access and download it any time you need it. There is also a data import feature. If you are still using the CSV file, you can import it without having to enter data many times. So that reporting can take place more effectively and efficiently.

Before the deadline for reporting your SPT, immediately report your SPT to avoid penalties or late fees. You can use the calendar feature provided by the Klikpajak platform. When choosing an Application Service Provider to report your taxes, first make sure that the ASP has indeed received approval from the Directorate General of Taxes. If it has been recognized, your security and privacy can be maintained. On the other hand, if the ASP you choose is unclear, your data will be in trouble. So, choose the right ASP, which follows the standards of the Directorate General of Taxes.

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