Malinau Resort Police (Polres) North Kalimantan (Kaltara) detained a man (38 years old) as a father because he had the heart to commit immorality to his own child aged 7 years due to often watching pornographic videos

"We are handling this case after the victim's mother, who is also the wife of the suspect, reported the act to the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Malinau Police, IPTU

It is known that the immoral act was carried out by the suspect repeatedly, and the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit revealed the suspect's motive for committing the act.

"Suspect S did this because he often watched pornographic or porn videos," he said.

The case was revealed because the seven-year-old victim finally reported his father's actions to his mother.

"The victim reported to his mother because he had experienced immoral acts committed by his own father," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit.

Suspect S was charged with alleged criminal acts of sexual abuse against children as referred to in Article 82 in conjunction with Article 76 E of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection. The Criminal Investigation Unit also emphasized the importance of family vigilance and open communication in preventing immoral acts.

He urged parents to create a safe environment, including avoiding hobbies in watching pornographic videos due to negative impacts that can damage the mentality.

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