JAKARTA - Seeing its competitors, TikTok is growing rapidly, Instagram is not standing still. The company really intends to pay content creators to get them to upload content on Reels.

In July, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg did reveal that the company would pay $1 billion to content creators through 2022, in a bonus program for Reels.

However, not a few of content creators are confused about how Instagram determines what qualifications or factors they must meet to get paid.

In a report submitted by TechCrunch quoted from The Verge, Friday, November 12, Instagram said the program was experimental and still in its early stages. But the lack of transparency can hurt content creators who use the platform for a living.

In fact, the bonus program had a glitch this week, causing eligible content creators to be told they weren't actually eligible for payouts. However, this error has been fixed by the company.

These reports also explain how much content creators are offered bonuses for their Reels, and how many views they need to get to receive a payout.

A post on Reddit shows someone has been offered $35,000 if their Reels gets 58.31 million views in a month. That's in line with a Business Insider report offered to Sam and Cori Werrell creating Reels content for their 283,000 Instagram followers.

While smaller content creators are offered a much cheaper amount. For example, Maddy Corbin, a content creator with 52,000 followers, was offered US$1,000, but Corbin admitted that he knew someone else was offered US$600 or US$800.

Chances are, this bonus will increase over time. Because content creators with 24,000 Instagram followers were recently offered $8,500 for 9.28 million views.

However, Instagram isn't the only one offering bonuses to their creators. As for YouTube and Snapchat also offer similar advantages.

In August, YouTube announced it would pay up to $10,000 per month for videos that fall into the popular category. Meanwhile, last month Snapchat announced Spotlight Challenges, which offer a variety of prizes to encourage video creation, with prizes ranging from $1,000 to $25,000.

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