JAKARTA - The popularity of Lionel Messi in the Catalan will be remembered for decades to come. Thanks to Messi, many children are named Leo.

The Barcelona captain has the honor of having many babies named after his nickname, Leo.

The Catalan Statistics Institute revealed that 500 children born in 2019 were named Leo, accounting for 8.22 percent of all newborn boys.

Then there was the name Mark, with 622, the most popular male name.

Messi's impact was obvious. In 2010, only 136 children were born named Leo. Compare this with the number 433 in 2017.

For newborn girls, Julia is the most popular above the name Martina.

Meanwhile, beyond the name of a baby, Inter Milan look to see Messi as part of their squad for next season.

The Barcelona captain's contract runs until 2021. Italian media have reported that Messi can change to a blue and black jersey in the summer.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, Inter's ownership in China is determined to bring Messi.

"It is possible (to happen) and Suning is preparing for the long pursuit of Messi," a headline in the paper read.

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