JAYAPURA - Minister of Indonesia Youth and Sports (Menpora RI) Zainudin Amali said that the implementation of the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) in four clusters, believes Jayapura City and Regencies, Mimika and Merauke Regencies so far have gone smoothly.

"The situation here, whether in Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Mimika and Merauke, the PON is running smoothly, yes, there is nothing significantly disturbing until the PON must be stopped", said Minister of Youth and Sports, Amali, in his official statement in Jayapura, Saturday, October 9.

"All the participants, both athletes, coaches, and officials went through every match from what I saw they carried out happily, they had no fear, no excessive worry", he added.

The implementation of the Papua PON is indeed overshadowed by many concerns, and the most concern is the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, there were 34 contingents exposed with no symptoms (OTG).

For this reason, vigilance must be prioritized by carrying out strict health protocols, and those who are exposed must be handled according to procedures, and it is hoped that they will recover and be healthy soon.

The ranks of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) even continue to control by directly monitoring the locations of the matches. This is a commitment to provide guarantees according to procedures.

"Hopefully the PON will continue until it is closed, which the Vice President plans to do on the 15th", said the man from Gorontalo.

"Hopefully this PON can be an event to show the achievements of regional athletes and also we can see emerging talents, which previously have not appeared at the national level or have not yet appeared in national training, then this is an opportunity to show that they deserve to be residents of the national training camp", concluded Zainudin Amali.

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