JAKARTA - Richard Eckersley was once a promising midfielder in the Manchester United academy. However, the former player has now switched from training with Cristiano Ronaldo to being a milkman.

Eckersley made his United debut in 2009. Meanwhile, his last professional game came in 2015 with Oldham Athletic.

"Oldham had no money or hope, I came back from a marriage, we had a newborn and I told my wife I wanted to quit football," Eckersley detailed in an interview with The Athletic.

"It's a relief, I have enough money to last six months or a year.

"I've been thinking about Cristiano Ronaldo coming back to United, the last time he was there I was there, I trained with him, and now I'm a milkman and I sell oat milk."

When asked about the details of his life now, the former midfielder was quick to point to the quietness of his life as something that brought him happiness.

"We have our own place to live, our gardens and we grow our own food," continued Eckersley.

"This is a city without roads, a community of about 40 people with everything vegetarian and 100 percent organic.

"We produce 25,000 liters of milk per month in glass bottles, everything is reusable and it's a circular business model, we have 22 employees and we want to be the biggest milk distributor in the UK in the next five years."

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