JAKARTA - The XX National Sports Week (PON) 2021 will be officially opened by President Joko Widodo on October 2. However, several sports (sports) were held before that.

The first match held in Jayapura City was the softball sport. This match was held on September 22 at Cendrawasih University.

A day later, it was baseball's turn which was held at the Sentani Air Force Field, Jayapura Regency and water polo at the Kampung Harapan Aquatic Stadium.

Also on September 23, kite flying was competed in Mimika Regency.

"This is one of the venues located within the TNI AU's Silas Papare headquarters in Sentani Jayapura," said Head of the XX PON Supervisory and Steering Committee Suwarno when visiting the venue, launching the official KONI website, Monday.

“For this baseball, one venue is in the Uncen area, the second is in the Indonesian Air Force Complex. Later (both) will be used for baseball which will start on September 23," he explained.

The two venues mentioned are the Marthen Indey baseball stadium in the Indonesian Air Force complex, Sentani, Jayapura Regency and the Agus Kafiar Uncen Stadium, Jayapura city.

The matches were held simultaneously at the two venues.

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