JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo's Special Staff and the Spokesperson for Social Affairs, Angkie Yudistia, commented on Indonesia's preparations to host the U-20 World Cup in 2021. One of the concerns is the access and facilities that must be provided for persons with disabilities.

He said that providing access and facilities for persons with disabilities would not meet any significant obstacles. The reason is, Indonesia has experienced this when holding the Asian Para Games event in 2018. At that time, these activities went very well.

"We see that the 2018 Asian Para Games is clear evidence. Indonesia is capable of owning and developing friendly facilities," said Angkie after meeting with the Minister of Youth and Sports, Zainudin Amali, Thursday, July 9 yesterday.

"And for the World Cup, we maximize all sectors, we can prove that Indonesia can. Optimistic because Indonesia has had a lot of experience," added the woman who was born in Medan, North Sumatra.

Angkie then enthusiastically welcomed the opportunity for Indonesia to host the U-20 World Cup. According to him, holding the World Cup will have a good effect in various sectors, including the economy. For this reason, the government continues to prepare everything so that Indonesia will be successful in hosting the U-20 World Cup.

The government, continued Angkie, is also trying its best to make the four-year event very interesting. According to him, this can be realized with good coordination between the stakeholders involved.

"We must also adhere to and adhere to health protocols, so that everything can go well,"

Special Staff of President Joko Widodo and Spokesperson for Social Affairs, Angkie Yudistia

This 33-year-old woman then invited the whole community, including the younger generation, to enliven the 2021 U-20 World Cup. She also asked all parties to be optimistic that Indonesia can maintain the trust of the World Football Federation (FIFA).

"It's time for us to be optimistic now. We hope this goes well as our pride. We need collaboration together," he said.

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