JAKARTA - The Ministry of Sports and Youth (Kemenpora) held a commemoration of the 38th National Sports Day (Haornas) 2021 at GOR POPKI Menpora Cibubur, West Java, Thursday, September 9. The Haornas 2021 commemoration event will take place behind closed doors by implementing strict health protocols.

In the Haornas celebration which carries the theme of the Great Design of National Sports Towards Advanced Indonesia, the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora), Zainudin Amali, said Indonesia must change its view of how to achieve sports achievements.

According to him, achievements cannot be achieved instantly, but must go through a long, mature process. This is because there must be synergies from the central level to the regional level.

"We are aware that no achievement is achieved instantly. Long-term, planned, structured and sustainable development is needed," said Zainudin Amali, during the 2021 Haornas commemoration which was monitored online, Thursday, September 9.

The Minister of Youth and Sports continued, all parties must immediately change the paradigm which has so far placed financing support for sports activities as a mere expense, or cost. However, said Amali, the financing for the construction of a sporting achievement should be placed as a long-term investment.

"We can no longer get achievements by accident, achievements must be printed, or in other words achievements must be by design," he continued.

Therefore, the Minister of Youth and Sports implemented these expectations through a new Presidential Regulation relating to the Great Design of National Sports (DBON). The regulation in question is Presidential Regulation No. 86/2021 concerning the Great Design of National Sports as a new legal umbrella for the sports sector in Indonesia.

“On the occasion of the 38th anniversary of Haornas, we have carved a new history. The government has established a Presidential Regulation as a legal umbrella for the implementation of DBON. This is also a sign that today a new hope is born for Indonesia's sporting achievements," said Minister of Youth and Sports Amali.

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