JAKARTA - Badminton is Indonesia's flagship sport to win a gold medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. In addition to men's doubles, the mixed doubles sector is also the foundation.

That hope rests on the shoulders of Praveen Jordan / Melati Daeva Oktavianti. They are now arguably Indonesia's number one mixed doubles status.

Moreover, Praveen / Melati has also recently won a prestigious title, namely the All England 2020. Of course this could be two blades, so a burden or motivation.

"I don't want to make everything a burden. In fact, this should be a motivation to perform as much as possible and make this a challenge," said Melati Daeva in a talk at BadminTALKSHOW.

Currently, continued Melati, no special preparations have been made. The training team also has not provided direction considering that currently it is still a COVID-19 pandemic.

He was also reluctant to call the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics due to COVID-19 an advantage or a disadvantage. According to him, all players must be ready in all situations.

Praveen Jordan / Melati Daeva Oktavianti (Photo: PBSI)

However, he admitted that he currently has a long preparation because the Tokyo Olympics is postponed until 2021. That gave him the opportunity for the PB Djarum club player to mature.

"Whether it is postponed or not, we must be ready,"

Jasmine Daeva Oktavianti

For Melati, it is difficult to determine which opponent is heavier in the mixed doubles sector. According to him, the strength in this sector is evenly distributed. Every country has a partner who can make it difficult.

Of course, in this condition, the readiness of the players is the determining factor. Who is more prepared, obviously, will have the advantage to win.

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