JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the World Badminton Federation to cancel a number of tournaments. This makes athletes only busy with training routines.

Secretary General of the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI), Achmad Budiharto said athletes have undergone a long training. Starting from training for physical conditions to maintaining the feeling of playing.

Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo et al, continued Budiharto, had carried out intensive training starting early June to conduct conditioning preparations for the tournament. Unfortunately, there is no certainty about the match schedule considering the COVID-19 pandemic is still hitting.

"Meanwhile, the coaches saw the children were thirsty to compete," said Budiharto.

For this reason, PBSI took the initiative to provide a competition forum for athletes. Incidentally, said Budiharto, Mola TV is willing to sponsor the home tournament that will be held by PBSI.

"The initial inspiration came from the men's doubles team, then other sectors wanted their team to compete in the Home Tournament. So we created a Home Tournament for all sectors," he explained.

The Secretary General of PBSI emphasized that the tournament would be conducted by implementing strict health protocols. He also confirmed, this championship will take place without spectators.

"The COVID-19 prevention protocol will continue," said Budiharto.

The PBSI Home Tournemant will start on June 24 and end June 26. Each week there will be one sector competition which will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

The tournament will begin with a match against the men's doubles sector. They will fight for a total prize of Rp. 100 million

A total of six pairs will fight in a half competition format. Interestingly, PBSI deliberately combines senior and junior players in each pair.

The following is a list of six pairs of men's doubles that will compete in the PBSI Home Tournament:

1. Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo / Moh. Reza Pahlevi Isfahan

2. Marcus Fernaldi Gideon / Muhammad Shohibul Fikri

3. Mohammad Ahsan / Leo Rolly Carnando

4. Hendra Setiawan / Pramudya Kusumawardana

5. Muhammad Rian Ardianto / Daniel Marthin

6. Fajar Alfian / Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob Rambitan

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