JAKARTA - Chinese shooting athlete Yang Qian became the first gold winner at the Tokyo Olympics after recording the best score in the women's 10-meter air rifle final at the Asaka Shooting Range, Tokyo, Saturday, July 24.

Reporting from Antara, citing the official Olympic website, the 21-year-old athlete recorded 251.8 points to secure the first gold for the Bamboo Curtain country team.

In his Olympic debut, he received his first gold medal directly from International Olympic Committee (IOC) Chairman Thomas Bach.

Russian athlete Anastasiia Galashina took the second place as well as silver medal winner with a record of 251.1 points.

However, Anastasiia was not allowed to compete on behalf of her country because Russia was being sanctioned for finding a massive doping case, so she competed using the ROC flag or the Russian Olympic committee. points in today's final round.

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