JAKARTA - Former US boxing champion Floyd Mayweather sent a check worth US $ 88,500 or the equivalent of Rp1.3 billion to help pay for the funeral of George Floyd, a black man who was killed in police violence in Minneapolis last week.
TMZ Sports confirmed Mayweather offered to finance all four services for Floyd in Houston, Minnesota, Charlotte and other locations that will be named at a later date.
CEO of TMT Music Label (Floyd Mayweather's record company), Anzel Jennings has also confirmed the news. Jennings is known to have grown up with Floyd.

Meanwhile, Mayweather Promotions chief executive Leonard Ellerbe confirmed to ESPN that the Floyd family had also accepted Mayweather's offer to attend his funeral.
"He would probably be angry with me for saying this, but yes, (Mayweather) will be attending the funeral," said Ellerbe.
The Floyd family's lawyers said Monday the funeral service would be held on June 9 in Houston.
Prior to that, the family will have a memorial service on Saturdays in North Carolina, Floyd's hometown.
African-American Floyd died last week after a member of the Minneapolis police force assaulted him. Official autopsy results released on Monday said Floyd had died from strangulation.
The death of an unarmed black citizen at the hands of police officers immediately sparked a wave of anger across the US.
The police officer who committed the violence, Derek Chauvin, was charged with third degree murder and negligence which resulted in Floyd's death.
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