JAKARTA - Not yet approved the health protocol proposed by the Italian football federation FIGC to the Italian government, the Sassuolo club announced that it would again hold training sessions on Monday.

Sassuolo is the first Italian Serie A team to announce that it will return to holding training sessions at club facilities after the ban on activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the health protocol is needed as assistance to restart club activities and competitions in Italy.

However, the province of Emilia-Romagna, where Sassuolo is headquartered, has issued a decision that professional sports clubs should be allowed to resume activities provided they uphold the practice of maintaining distancing.

"US Sassuolo Calcio announced that starting Monday 4 May, players will be allowed to use the Mapei Football Center facilities for individual training sessions," said Sassuolo's statement on the club's official website, Saturday, May 2.

"Athletes are only allowed to use field facilities while practicing distance guarding, but are prohibited from using facilities such as changing rooms, gyms or offices," the statement continued.

Sassuolo explained that the individual training sessions will be held on Monday-Friday morning using three fields with six athletes or one player per half field per hour.

The individual training sessions will not be accompanied by technical coaching staff but will be monitored by an emergency medical team.

Meanwhile Bologna and Parma, also in the province of Emilio-Romagna, followed in the footsteps of Sassuolo, who announced his players could train individually at their club facilities. Meanwhile, SPAL is waiting for the approval of the health protocol proposed by the FIGC.

Another Serie A club whose regional governments have allowed activity on Monday is Napoli, but the club have yet to confirm their move.

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