JAKARTA - FIFA chief medical officer Michel D'Hooghe said there should be no football until the start of next season because of fears of a "second attack" from the corona virus.

The Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 seasons ended on Tuesday when French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced that professional football would not be able to resume before September.

The Eredivisie was also canceled alongside the domestic season in Argentina. But countries such as Britain, Spain, Germany and Italy plan to resume competition.

"We are all subject to decisions at the national level from public authorities. It is very simple. Football has suddenly become not the most important thing in life," D'Hooghe told the Daily Telegraph, Wednesday, April 29.

"I would be happy if we could start all over again, in an easy way, the next championship and not stage anything before the start of next season.

“If they can start the 2020-21 season at the end of August or early September I will be happy. Then they were finally able to avoid the second attack of the virus, which was not impossible.

"Everyone has to be very careful at this point. I have heard in many countries they are thinking about playing football again, with or without the public.

"In my long career I have seen many situations where there is a balance between the economy and health. Most economies win, whether it's about jetlag or football at high altitudes or in extreme conditions like pollution situations.

"If there is one situation where the medical argument has to prevail over the economic argument, it is now. It's not a question of money, it's a question of life and death. It's very simple."

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