JAKARTA - Liverpool's defeat to Atletico Madrid in the last 16 of the Champions League last month has not only dashed the Reds' dream of defending the title. The match had an impact on the spread of COVID-19 or the corona virus in the city.

As of Wednesday, Liverpool had a death rate due to COVID-19 which was quite high, reaching 246 people. The mayor of Liverpool, Steve Rotherham, said he thought it might be related to the match which was also witnessed by thousands of Atletico supporters from Spain. For that, he asked for an independent investigation.

When the match was held, Madrid had become one of the epicenter of the spread of COVID-19 in Spain, but at least 3,000 Atletico supporters were present at Anfield before England implemented a regional quarantine 10 days later.

"If people are exposed to the coronavirus as a direct result of a sporting event that we believe shouldn't take place, that's a scandal," said Rotherham, launching Soccerway, Friday, April 24.

"That not only puts them in danger, but also NHS (health) staff and the families of people who may be exposed," he added.

Later, the Liverpool vs Atletico match at Anfield was highlighted as one of the triggers for the explosion of positive cases of COVID-19 in England.

However, the British government insisted that when the match was issued they had done so based on scientific assistance.

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