JAKARTA The chess sport (sports) targets the gold medal from the 2025 SEA Games which will take place on December 7-19, 2025 in Thailand.
Secretary General of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Chess Association (PB Percasi), Henry Hendratno, said that the target is that two gold medals will be targeted in international chess.
"From the traditional (Thai macrok chess) we tried to steal two golds as well. If the trial is internal, this makruk is not as difficult as international chess," Henry said in Jakarta.
The 2025 SEA Games will total 50 sports. Catur will play eight numbers, consisting of four international numbers and four traditional numbers.
Henry said that later it is possible that athletes at the national training camp (pelatnas) will undergo trials in the form of test events for traditional events with host countries.
"So, Percasi is ready for the four internationals. We need to test these four to the host's place. God willing (the trial will take place) August 2025," he said.
Currently, the chess national training is being temporarily suspended along with several other sports because it is related to budget efficiency from the Government. The national training is planned to continue after Eid.
Catur previously underwent national training in November and December 2024. A total of eight male athletes and eight female athletes will be sent to the biennial event.
Henry said that Percasi had also been asked to submit a more complete re-proposal and detailed proposal related to the national training budget which was likely to be reviewed after Eid al-Fitr.
"There will be a cut in the realization later, especially since there is a temporary suspension for all sports national training in February and March 2025," he said.
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