JAKARTA - The naturalization process for Jairo Riedewald to join the Indonesian national team is still experiencing problems. This was revealed by the Minister of Youth and Sports (Mepora), Dito Ariotedjo.

Based on his statement, currently PSSI as the federation that oversees the naturalization process is still having problems. Dito said, PSSI was still completing the player's files.

"The Ministry of Youth and Sports has not yet received documents from PSSI regarding the naturalization (Jairo) of Riedewald. It (the file) has not yet been received," said Dito Ariotedjo as quoted by Antara on Sunday, February 2.

"Jairo is a file problem. According to PSSI, there is a paperwork that has not yet been completed. So it has not yet (entered) into the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the file," continued Dito.

On the other hand, Menpora Dito said that the Indonesian House of Representatives will hold a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission X and Commission XII. This is related to the naturalization of three descendants next week, namely Ole Romeny, Dion Markx, and Team Geypens.

The RDP with the DPR RI is an important process in the naturalization flow to obtain a recommendation letter. If this step can be passed, then the naturalization of Ole Romeny, the Geypens Team and Dion Markx will continue to the plenary meeting of the DPR RI.

After that, the approval of the DPR RI will be continued to the State Secretariat for the issuance of a Presidential Decree (Keppres).

From the issuance of this Presidential Decree, the players who will be naturalized can only undergo the process of taking the oath of Indonesian citizens, and the last stage is the transfer of federations.

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