JAKARTA Liga 1 2024/2025 enters the 21st week, with three exciting matches to be held on Sunday, February 2. The following is the schedule for the 2024/2025 Liga 1 match today:

In the opening match at 15.30 WIB, two matches will be held simultaneously in different places. Borneo FC will host PSS Sleman at Batakan Stadium, Balikpapan.

This will be Borneo FC's final home game at Batakan Stadium, before they return to the Segiri Stadium which has been renovated.

Elsewhere, other exciting matches will also be held at the same time, bringing Semen Padang together with Malut United at the Haji Agus Salim Stadium, Padang. Semen Padang, who is currently trapped in the relegation zone, is determined to rise and win at their home.

Meanwhile, North Maluku United came with a winning capital in the last match and tried to continue the positive trend.

In the evening, the closing match will bring together Persija Jakarta with PSBS Biak. This match will be held at Patriot Stadium, Bekasi, at 19.00 WIB.

Persija Jakarta, which was previously only able to draw against Persis, has ambitions to perform better and get the full three points. Victory in this match will be an opportunity for the Kemayoran Tigers to shift Persebaya at the top of the standings.

The following is the complete schedule for the 21st week of Liga 1 2024/2025:

Sunday, February 2:

- 15.30 WIB: Borneo FC vs PSS Sleman Batakan Stadium, Balikpapan

- 15.30 WIB: Semen Padang vs Malut United Haji Agus Salim Stadium, Padang

- 19.00 WIB: Persija Jakarta vs PSBS Biak Patriot Stadium, Bekasi

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