JAKARTA - Persebaya Surabaya failed to pick up three points when they hosted Persita Tangerang in the 21st week of Liga 1 2024/2025. In this match, Bajul Ijo had to share points after holding the guest to a 1-1 draw.

Appearing at Gelora Bung Tomo Stadium, Surabaya on Friday, January 31 evening, Persebaya Surabaya immediately threatened Persita's goal through Dejan Tumbas' movement when the game was only a minute away.

However, this effort was even countered because in the 14th minute Persita Tangerang even succeeded in breaking the deadlock first. The visitors changed the scoreboard to 1-0 after Badrian successfully launched an attack through Irsyad Maulana's pass.

In the 20th minute, Persebaya again received threats through bait from the middle of the field which was processed by the Cisadane Warriors. Luckily, Ernando Ari who came out of the nest was able to block the ball that was trying to be continued.

Throughout the remaining time, Bajul Ijo tried hard to score the equalizer goal. However, Paul Munster's team who appeared to survive failed to get good results until halftime.

Furthermore, in the second half, Persebaya again tried to attack. Kasim Botan and Bruno Moreira were also added by Munster to replace Andre Oktaviansyah and Alfan Suaib in order to increase the strength of the bang.

The duet of the two substitutes resulted in an opportunity in the 49th minute. But the ball again still sideways slightly from the Persita goal.

Then Persita's counter-attack in the 66th minute, which Esal Sahrul completed, was created but failed to increase the advantage.

Two minutes later it was Kasim Botan's turn to fail to complete another chance from inside the penalty box.

Persebaya's efforts to equalize the position were realized in the 76th minute. This time it resulted from Dejan Tumbas' corner which was continued by Slavko Damjanovic and made the score 1-1.

After the draw, Persebaya and Persita have ambitions to score differential goals. Several times Persita was able to penetrate the penalty box but again to no avail.

However, until referee Yudi Nurcahya blew the long whistle, the score 1-1 did not change. This is the first point for Persebaya after losing four consecutive times.

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