JAKARTA - The U-20 Indonesian national team striker, Jens Raven, is in bad condition ahead of the 2025 U-20 Asian Cup. He was injured and had to be sidelined for 10 days from the training camp (TC).

In the TC session which was held on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, Jens Raven was seen still present at the Madya Stadium, Senayan. However, he did not join other players who underwent instructions from coach Indra Sjafri.

"Last Friday, I picked up an injury in the quadriceps section. So, Saturday I went to Mitra Keluarga to scan the MRI and it turned out that I had to rest 10 days to two weeks," Jens Raven explained.

Ravens hopes his condition improves quickly. You see, he was determined to join the team while undergoing three trials in Surabaya by the end of this month.

"This morning I was injected in the quadriceps section to speed up my recovery. So, when we go to Surabaya (trial), I hope it will get better," said the 19-year-old striker.

"I hope that in Surabaya I can get minutes to play in the tournament in preparation for the 2025 U-20 Asian Cup," he said.

The U-20 Indonesian national team will undergo three trials against Jordan, Syria, and India The match will take place on January 24-30, 2025 in Surabaya.

The trial agenda is preparation for the U-20 Indonesian national team ahead of appearing in the 2025 U-20 Asian Cup in China in February 2025. In the tournament, Indra Sjafri's team joined in Group C with Uzbekistan, Iran, and Yemen.

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