JAKARTA - The history of the Indonesian national team is filled with interesting changes in coaches. From the time of Johannes Mastenbroek in 1934 to Shin Tae-yong, many coaches have contributed to the journey of the Garuda national team. From local to foreign coaches, each figure brings his own story in building a national team.

Oldest Coach: Antun Pogacnik (1954-1963)

Antun Pogacnik, a coach from status, holds the record as the longest coach to handle the Indonesian national team. He trained for almost a decade, from 1954 to 1963. Pogacnik is known as the figure who led the Indonesian national team to appear impressive in various international tournaments, including advancing to the quarter-finals of the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. His success made this period one of the golden eras of the national team.

Fastest Coach: Endang Witarsa (1970 And 1981)

Endang Witarsa, the legendary Indonesian coach, is listed as the coach with the shortest term of office. He coached the national team in 1970 and returned in 1981, but in just a few matches. Despite his short coaching period, Endang Witarsa's contribution to Indonesian football was enormous, especially through coaching young players.

Foreign Coach: Diversity From The Country

The Indonesian national team has a long history of appointing foreign coaches, who come from various countries, including:

Foreign coaches are generally expected to bring a new approach to tactics and strategies to improve the quality of Indonesia's games.

Trainer Who Fired And Returned To Training

Several coaches were fired, but were later trusted to return to handling the national team, including:

Shin Tae-yong: Coach With Many Fans

Shin Tae-yong, a South Korean coach, has handled the Indonesian national team since 2019. He is known for his modern approach and commitment to building a long-term foundation. Even though his coaching period has not recorded a major trophy, Shin has brought significant changes, including improving the physical and mental quality of young Indonesian players.

"Indonesia has great potential. We focus on forming a mental champion and tactics that comply with international standards," STY said in an interview.

The frequent replacement of coaches reflects the great challenges in the consistency and sustainability of the Indonesian football coaching program. However, the presence of coaches such as Antun Pogacnik, Alfred Riedl, and Shin Tae-yong shows that the right hard work and strategy can bring the Indonesian national team to compete at the international level.

In the future, full stability and support for the coach on duty will be the key to achieving bigger achievements. With a coach like Shin Tae-yong, the hope to see Garuda fly higher is getting closer to reality

List Of Indonesian National Team Coaches

Johannes Mastenbroek (1934-1938)

Choo Seng Quee (1951-1953)

Antun Pogacnik (1954-1963)

EA Mangindaan (1966-1970)

Endang Witarsa (1970)

Djamat Dalhar (1971-1972)

Endang Witarsa (1972-1973)

- Wiel Coerver (1975-1976)

Antun Pogacnik (1977)

- Suwardi Arland (1977)

How come Janota (1979)

- Wiel Coerver (1979)

Frans Van Balkom (1980)

Harry Tjong (1980-1981)

Endang Witarsa (1981)

- Bernd Fischer (1981)

Iswadi Idris (1983)

M. Basri (1983)

Sinyo Aliandoe (1985)

Harry Tjong (1985)

Bertje Matulapelwa (1986-1988)

M. Basri (1989)

Anatoly Polosin (1990-1992)

Danurwindo (1992)

Ivan Toplak (1992-1993)

Anatoly Polosin (1994)

Romano Matte (1995)

- Danurwindo (1996)

- Henk Wullems (1997)

- Rusdy Bahalwan (1998)

Bernard Schumm (1999)

Nandar Iskandar (1999-2000)

Dananjaya (2000)

Benny Dolo (2001)

Ivan Kolev (2002-2004)

Peter White (2004-2007)

Ivan Kolev (2007)

Benny Dollo (2008-2010)

Alfred Riedl (2010-2011)

Wim Rijsbergen (2011-2012)

Aji Santoso (2012)

Nil Maizar (2012-2013)

Luis Manuel Blanco (2013)

Rahmad Darmawan (2013)

Jacksen F Tiago (2013)

Alfred Riedl (2013-2014)

Benny Dollo (2015)

Pieter Huistra (2015)

Alfred Riedl (2016)

Luis Milla (2017-2018)

Bima Sakti (2018)

Simon McMenemy (2018)

Shin Tae-yong (2019-2024)

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