JAKARTA - The issue of corruption in the implementation of the 2024 Aceh XXI PON has spread. Menpora Dito Ariotedjo immediately responded to the allegations with a request for an audit of the 2024 PON funds.

The audit request aims to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of public funds and maintain the integrity of the implementation of the 2024 PON.

"My statement is a response to the rapidly growing accusations after the 2024 PON just started. Some parties immediately accused corruption without sufficient evidence," said the Menpora.

"The issue of misappropriation of funds or corruption in the implementation of the 2024 PON is unacceptable."

"After the opening of the 2024 PON, I saw several photos and videos spread across social media, but that's just an example of a small case."

"I ask all parties to see the whole implementation, not just one or two examples."

"We have two task forces tasked with overseeing the entire process, from decision making to implementing it on the ground."

"Everything goes according to applicable regulations. Transparency is our priority," said the Menpora on Friday, September 13, 2024.

The Minister of Youth and Sports further said that since the beginning the Government had formed a Governance Task Force involving the Criminal Investigation Unit and the Attorney General's Office to strictly oversee the use of the XXI 2024 PON budget.

The formation of the Task Force is a mandate from Presidential Decree Number 24 of 2024. The task force plays an active role in every stage of the implementation of PON, starting from planning, implementation, to evaluation.

With this layered supervision, every decision taken has a strong legal basis.

"We want the public to know that the entire surveillance process has been running and supervised by the authorities so that allegations of fraud or corruption do not have a solid basis," said Dito again.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Youth and Sports emphasized that the audit was not to put pressure on the organizers of the 2024 PON, but to strengthen the performance of all parties involved.

In addition, the audit will provide a sense of calm to all parties after the 2024 PON is complete.

"This news can be a positive impetus, making all parties, from the central to regional governments, more vigilant and alert."

"This is a big event with a big budget so big accountability is needed too."

"We want to ensure that after the PON is over, all parties who have worked hard can feel calm because all processes are audited in a transparent and accountable manner," he said.

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