JAKARTA The XXI Aceh-North Sumatra 2024 National Sports Week (PON) was officially opened by President Joko Widodo at the National Hope Stadium, Aceh, on Monday, September 9, 2024, WIB night.

The opening took place in a magnificent ceremony. The location of the event was packed with people who came to witness the historic moment of the biggest sporting event in Indonesia.

"By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I declare that Aceh-North PON is open," said President Jokowi when ending his speech at the event.

The series of opening events have started since 18.00 WIB. Various performances were also displayed, one of which was the Malahayati colossal dance.

This dance has a deep meaning and is rich in philosophy. Admiral Malahayati is a legendary female figure from Aceh who is a symbol of courage, strength, and fighting spirit who does not know fear.

As the world's first female executive, she managed to lead the Aceh Sultanate's marine war fleet in the 16th century when facing greater colonial forces.

Jokowi hopes that the 2024 PON is not just a competition but an event that is able to produce the nation's best athletes for regeneration.

"However, what is more important is that this PON is an event for us to strengthen unity, to strengthen our brotherhood as a nation. Therefore, I really ask for upholding sportsmanship and fair play," said Jokowi.

This opening ceremony was witnessed by the public through a live broadcast in North Sumatra. A total of five thousand spectators attended the Baharuddin Siregar Stadium, Deli Serdang.

PON XXI 2024 will be the first to be held in two provinces at once. This year, PON will overhaul 65 sports, 87 disciplines, and 1,042 match numbers.

This biggest national sporting event also marks the debut of four New Autonomous Regions (DOB). The regions in question are Southwest Papua, Mountains Papua, Central Papua, and South Papua, as well as a contingent from the capital city of the archipelago (IKN).

A total of approximately 13 thousand athletes from various regions competed in the biggest sporting event in Indonesia which lasted until September 20, 2024.

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