JAKARTA A total of 43 PSSI employees who have just been hit by a layoff (PHK) with the promise to get a proper severance pay, are now facing serious problems related to their right to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan contributions.

Until now, the dues have been in arrears since the last time they were paid in December 2021. This condition has caused unrest among former PSSI employees, who feel it is not only their right to the questionable severance pay, but also the social security they should receive.

A total of 112 PSSI employees, including those who have just been laid off, are still facing uncertainty regarding their BPJS contributions that have not been paid since November 1, 2021. This situation is a serious concern, especially for Eko Rahmawanto, PSSI's Director of Media, who voiced deep concerns over this condition.

According to the applicable regulations, companies that do not pay BPJS fees for employees can be subject to sanctions, ranging from written warnings, fines, to not getting public services. In fact, there is a threat of a maximum prison sentence of eight years if the company cuts workers' wages for BPJS contributions but does not deposit them, in accordance with Article 374 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) which regulates embezzlement in employment.

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan sendiri memiliki kewenangan untuk melakukan penagihan kepada perusahaan yang tidak membayar iuran. Namun, hingga saat ini, nasib 112 karyawan PSSI masih terkatung-katung, menunggu kejelasan dari manajemen PSSI terkait hak mereka.

Arya Sinulingga, a member of the PSSI Executive Committee, and Yunus Nusi, PSSI Secretary General, have been contacted by VOI to provide clarification regarding this case, but until this news was revealed, they had not provided an official response or response.

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