JAKARTA Sandya Niskalah became the design concept of the Indonesian contingent uniform which will appear in the Paris 2024 Paralympics from August 28 to September 8, 2024.

This costume is the result of collaboration with local jokes Mills. The famous Indonesian designer, Didiet Maulana, became the mastermind behind the concept that was carried out.

Didiet explained that the concept was inspired by Indonesia as an archipelagic country with various cultures, but remained united as in the philosophy of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

"Sandya means unity and Niskala means strength. So, unity for strength. Even though it is diverse, we are still one Indonesia," said Didiet at the Media Center of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), Wednesday, August 28, 2024, afternoon WIB.

The uniforms for the Paris 2024 Paralympic team consist of three types with different color combinations. Each consists of white-red, black-gold, and light-black colors.

These colors also have their own meaning. White-and-merged symbolizesmalism and courage, black-gold reflects strength and glory, and light-black blue is a symbol of the color of calm.

The design of this costume shows a geometric pattern with sea waves. This is to describe Indonesia as a country consisting of islands.

The motive that embeds Garuda bird elements in the form of fur and elements of ikat weaving motifs represents Indonesia's cultural wealth.

"When we can't be there (France to support directly), but through motive and design we can support our athletes (who compete)," said Didiet.

The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora RI), Dito Ariotedjo, welcomed the results of Didiet Maulana's work. He is happy that there are Indonesian designers who want to make a contribution.

"I am happy and happy from the Olympics to the Paralympics that we are starting a new trend in collaborating with young Indonesian great designers and skyrocketing in the global arena," he said.

Indonesia will send as many as 35 athletes from 10 sports (sports) to the Paris 2024 Paralympics. They were accompanied by 62 officials consisting of 31 coaching teams, eight managers, four medical teams, two chef demission deputies, 11 chef de mission teams, and six media teams.

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