JAKARTA - Telewizja Polska (TVP), a television station owned by the Polish government, suspended a journalist who at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics was considered to have commented inconsequential and tendentious comments.

The journalist named Przemyslaw Babiarz reacted negatively to Imagine, John Lennon's song, which he commented on as a "wav of communism".

The song, known to the world as the peace icon, was played at the opening ceremony, which was held on the Seie River on Friday night, July 26 local time.

Babiarz is no longer allowed to comment on organizing the Paris Olympics on TVP.

Imagine, the song by Lennon tells the story of the shadow of no heaven or hell, no country, no religion, and no property. So the world will be peaceful.

"Unfortunately, this is the vision of communism," Babiarz said at the event, as quoted by Euronews.

Polish state media for years have been the battleground for the ideology between the 2015-2023 ruling right-wing populist group, and the left-wing.

The current Polish prime minister, Donald Tusk, is a midline politician who managed to take power in December 2023. He acted quickly to remove the control of the far-right opposition from the air waves.

Tusk's ideology is indeed at odds with the current President of Poland, a conservative Andrezj Duda.

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