JAKARTA - The debate surrounding the determination of the Premier League champion in the midst of the outbreak of COVID-19 or the corona virus continues. If Queen Elizabeth's country football competition cannot be continued, does Liverpool have the right to be won the trophy?

The Premier League has been suspended until April 3 after Arsenal head coach Mikel Arteta was confirmed positive for coronavirus last week. Liverpool are 25 points ahead of Manchester City at the top of the table and only nine games are left for the season.

Alan Shearer, the top scorer in Premier League history, said it was impossible for Liverpool to be crowned champions if this season was not finished.

"If, and this if a very big one, this season cannot be completed then there is no way you can have winners or losers," he wrote in The Sun.

"As cruel and terrible as it is for some clubs, especially for Liverpool, it is the only (fair) result.

"If you can't finish the fixtures then you can't award titles or consider relegating any team."

Liverpool need just two more wins to secure their first league title since 1990 although City still have a game in hand. But Shearer said even if Jurgen Klopp's men were set for the title, it could not be awarded to them.

"For Liverpool, this will be very cruel," he continued.

"But I can't see how fair it is to hand over the title to them - despite the fact that it is clear no one is going to go after them.

"They only need six points to finish the league but they haven't got it yet so for that reason it should be declared void.

"It would be very different if the season was suspended after they got (six) points (of it) to win it. But they haven't got it and however dire the scenario is, it's the only option."

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