YOGYAKARTA - The rental of a futsal field is one of the businesses with promising profits. Given that the public's interest in this sport is quite high, the rental of a futsal field seems never deserted. Imagine a field rental per hour ranging from Rp50,000 to Rp120,000, so you just need to multiply the number of hours in one day and accumulate one month.
Imagine the income that can be obtained from the futsal field rental business is certainly very tempting. Moreover, the rental business model does not demand that the owner exchange a lot of time and energy every day. However, what must be prepared is the initial capital to build a futsal field.
Many people are curious about how much the cost of making futsal fields. Just like the property business in general, the funds that need to be prepared to build futsal fields are not small. However, with the rental business model and high market demand, it can return the capital and profit more quickly.
The amount of the cost of making a futsal field really depends on the size, facility, and location. In addition, the amount of funds spent is also adjusted to the type of futsal field, whether the location is indoor (indoor) or outdoor (outdoor).
For those of you who are interested in the futsal field rental business, you need to know what details are needed. In addition to finding land or buildings, you also have to buy a number of equipment that costs quite expensive.
Here are the details of the cost of creating a futsal field that you can use as a reference.
Total overall cost = IDR 106 million
Total overall cost = IDR 128 million
Total overall cost = IDR 155 million
Keep in mind that the costs above are only an illustration if you already have land to build a futsal field. However, if you don't have a place, of course you need to add a budget count to buy land according to the size of the futsal field to be created.
The futsal field business is quite tempting, not only because of the high interest in this football sport. Many businessmen are looking at this business because of a number of other advantages, ranging from non-perturbative management, low-cost care, to large amounts of money generated.
Here are some advantages of the futsal field rental business that may further strengthen your intention to start this business.
The initial capital to create a futsal field is relatively large. However, if the field is already standing and well managed, then you no longer need to spend much more. Rarely there is damage to the futsal field building, whether it's on the floor, the roof, walls, and others.
So one of the advantages of the futsal field business is its easy and not complicated management. You don't need to do special care and heavy repair needs. The common form of maintenance is only cleaning the floor, checking the condition of the net or barrier, and maintaining the condition of the roof.
Another advantage of the futsal field business is his request that never dies. Many young people are looking for futsal fields to fulfill their desire to exercise with their friends. Not only young people, futsal is also loved by adults. So high market needs, usually the schedule for field rental can reach queues.
From the futsal field rental business, the money obtained can be very large. You can imagine the calculation of the futsal field rental fee per hour for Rp50,000 to Rp120,000. If the rental schedule is always full every day, then in one month you can get fantastic profits.
That's an overview of the cost of creating a futsal field that you can use as a reference. No wonder many people are interested in opening a futsal field business, considering that the money is flowing fast and the management is not complicated. Also read the opportunities for the used car business that you are always looking for, gentlemen.
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