JAKARTA Indonesian sports have been chaotic since coaching. Player disputes not only decorate professional levels, but also on grassroots (grassroots).

Recently, there have been disputes between players experienced by two coaching or grassroot level clubs. Warriors and AirOne clubs are fighting for early childhood players.

The feud began when six Warriors women's basketball players born in 2009 (14-15 years) officially resigned from the club at the end of July 2023.

They resigned on the grounds of their own choice. Actually, they felt there were significant developments when handled by their coach, Liana Sihombing.

However, the coach decided to leave the Warriors. As a result, the six players withdrew.

They then looked for a new port, where Liana Sihombing coached. AirOne was finally chosen as the next destination. They follow in the footsteps of the coach who also moved there.

"Our daughters resigned because they were to train with coach Liana Sihombing, who at that time had officially moved to Airone," said Oktarianto Budhi Kartiko (Rano Budi) who is a parent representative.

"My wife and I as parents must support my child's choice and decision, solely for the development and progress of my own child," he said. It's just that their move caused a dispute. Warriors were reluctant to issue a letter out of the six players.

Rano Budhi revealed that it had been seven months since his official resignation, the Warriors had not issued an exit letter even though they had been asked many times.

Warriors assessed that the move was not the choice of players but the recruitment of AirOne or Liana Sihombing.

"Our daughter's choice to leave the Warriors and move to AirOne. It's really their choice, not recruiting from the AirOne or the coach. Purely their own decision (player)."

"However, this choice has the potential to turn off the careers of these young women's basketball players."

"The reason is, Warriors did not issue a letter out as a condition for our daughter to participate in the Perbasi series of official championships. In fact, at this time all open tournaments have implemented the requirements for a letter out of the original club," said Rano Budhi.

The resolution of family disputes has been carried out, but there is no common ground.

Warriors through coach Rommy Chandra claimed that his club followed Perbasi's White Book rules, in which there must be a settlement or payment process by the destination club, Airone, to Warriors of Rp. 3 million per child.

The Warriors' decision was based on recommendations from the South Jakarta Perbasi City Government and PP Perbasi.

No wonder, the problem continues and the early-age players involved in the dispute cannot participate in any championships.

"Every guerrilla parent communicates directly with Rommy coach, some even try to negotiate prices and are not accepted. Warriors only want AirOne to pay for them and still amount to Rp. 3 million per child," said Rano Budhi.

The pricing for the transfer of players is the root of the problem. For Rano Budhi, it is not appropriate. You see, his daughter left not to take recruitment from AirOne, but her own wishes.

Then, no documents or forms have been signed since the beginning of joining the Warriors which states the regulation of the exit letter.

"My son entered AirOne not because he was invited or recruited. Then, when we entered the Warriors there was no signature, no form was signed, let alone about the rules for the exit letter."

"We don't even know about the White Book (Perbasi) and only found out after this incident. Every month we pay the dues, we pay the championship."

"Now, our daughters choose to move. We have not been given an exit letter for more than seven months, before the destination club (AirOne) pays Rp. 3 million per child. It is difficult for us not to think that this is not a form of fraud and/or extortion," said Rano.

Apart from the family path, mediation was also taken. The parents of these players have already complained to Perbasi DKI Jakarta.

Perbasi DKI Jakarta is very active and reacts quickly to complaints and takes the initiative to mediate between Warriors, parents, and AirOne.

However, the mediation held on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at the Jakarta Perbasi PP Secretariat office, Soemantri Brodjonegoro Student Center, also did not produce clarity.

The problem is, mediation was only attended by Perbasi DKI Jakarta, parents, and AirOne. Warriors did not heed and appreciate this mediation by choosing not to attend without reason.

"We are really very disappointed that they (Warriors) were not present at the mediation. It means that they have absolutely no feelings, let alone good faith in the fate of our children."

"Who are our children? They are just children who want to train well, have high enthusiasm to practice hard. After all, at the club of origin (Warriors), four of these six children are almost in every championship, always in the rolling group."

"The rest, they play with not many minute play, except for one child. However, they have an extraordinary spirit to develop, which we must respect as parents," said Rano.

So many player dispute resolutions, the parents of the six early childhood players complained about this case to KPAI (Indonesian Child Protection Commission).

The report to KPAI stated that the parents' complaints were based on the fulfillment of children's rights.

In detail, the six young basketball players are threatened with civil rights and their freedoms. In the report, they are victims of fulfilling their right to expression and expressing opinions and fulfilling their organizational rights and gathering in a dami manner.

"We don't know where else to go. We hope KPAI can help solve our problems. Our daughters are very sad and stressed. There are already many championships that they cannot participate in, especially since there will still be more championships ahead."

"We believe there are many others out there, who have the same fate as us, whose rights are forcibly hindered. This damages the development and development of children, let alone young basketball players."

"I believe the interests of these young children or basketball players must be prioritized, especially above the narrow interests that are not clear, but damage their guidance and mentality," said Rano.

The six young basketball players have stopped participating in various championships over the past seven months. They only practice without being able to taste the atmosphere of the match.

In fact, in terms of coaching, playing minutes in matches are a must for young players at the grassroots level.

They are now in danger of not developing. Their career is on the brink even though they are still very young.

Cases like this often occur at the grassroots level of Indonesian sports in general. However, the way to find safety is an option so you don't dare to speak out loud.

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