JAKARTA - Kalvin midfielder Phillips finds it difficult to get a place in the first team so Manchester City lends him to West Ham United. Only that decision left Phillips' family, especially his mother, disappointed with manager Pep Guardiola.

Guardiola made Phillips disappointed. Because, the manager ruled out this 28-year-old player since being recruited from Leeds United in 2022.

In fact, Man City bought Phillips at a fairly expensive price, amounting to 42 million pounds or approximately 831 billion rupiah. However, the player who brought Leeds to be promoted to the English Premier League in 2020 is difficult to compete for the first team.

The situation worsened after Phillips rejoined the club after strengthening England at the 2022 World Cup. At that time Guardiola called himself overweight.

Guardiola's comments about his fat body made the player's confidence plummet immediately. Not only that, the player's family was disappointed.

"After the World Cup it became the toughest moment. That's when I met Pep. He then said I was overweight," said Phillips.

"I don't agree with him. But obviously he made my confidence go down. My family was also disappointed when they heard that, especially my mother," he said. According to him, what happened was actually just a misunderstanding. However, Guardiola, according to Phillips, seemed frustrated to see his players being overweight even though it was only 1.5 kg.

"It's just a misunderstanding. In my opinion, he's just frustrated to see me back at the club weighing 1.5 kg," said Phillips.

It is difficult to get a place in the team, Phillips is rarely played by Guardiola. He, in total, only played for 380 minutes in the Premier League. However, Phillips took part when the Cityzens won treble last season.

Only, Phillips was then loaned to West Ham. Because Phillips' situation has not changed.

He also seems happy to have moved to the London club. Phillips admitted that he was 'living' than when he was with Man City.

"Now I'm with West Ham. I also got the opportunity to play. This makes me more alive," he said.

However, Phillips stated that joining Man City was not a nightmare. "It's not a nightmare at Man City, but it's just stressful," he said.

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