PSSI Komdis Imposing Sentences To Men's Central Kalimantan: 500 Million Fines And Reprimands To Players
Central Kalimantan Putra received punishment from Komdis PSSI (Instagram/@kaltengputra_id).

JAKARTA - The PSSI Disciplinary Committee (Komdis) has decided against Liga 2 club, Central Kalimantan Putra. This is related to the case of a strike in action against PSCS Cilacap.

In PSSI's official release, it was known that Central Kalimantan Putra received a 0-3 loss penalty from PSCS, a nine-point deduction, and a fine of IDR 500 million because no player appeared.

Central Kalimantan Putra is scheduled to face PSCS Cilacap on January 27, 2024, but Central Kalimantan player Putra decided not to attend due to a strike. The postponement of salaries to players triggered Shahar Ginanjar and his friends to refuse to play against PSCS.

Based on the PSSI Komdis session on February 2, 2024, as many as 24 Central Kalimantan Men were also subject to a strong reprimand with the listed type of violation, namely not being present at the match venue even though it was previously scheduled.

A number of players who received the strong reprimand included Shahar, Jandia Eka Putra, Beni Oktovianto, Gunawan Dwi Cahyo, Manda Cingi, Mario Aibekob, and Miftah Anwar Sani.

The punishment received by Central Kalimantan Putra could have increased because the club also did not play against Persekat in the last week. However, the violation has not been tried by the PSSI Komdis so there has been no decision.

In addition to sentences to clubs and players of Central Kalimantan Putra, Komdis PSSI also imposed sanctions on clubs, players, and officials from League 2 contestants, such as PSDS, Persekat, Persipura, Persela Babel United, PSIM Yogyakarta, Persipa, and North Sulawesi United.

The types of violations committed vary, for example, violations during matches on the field, speech of racism, hitting the device of the match, and throwing it at the device of the match.

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